Apocalyptic Tremors by C.R. Chapman

Apocalyptic Tremors by C.R. Chapman was a disappointment to me and I do not think most readers will get a lot from it. I liked the general idea of the book: Chapman holds to a post-trib view of the rapture and believes the millenium happens after the trib. Chapman does explain in 20 points why the pre-trib view does not make sense when held up against all the biblical verses that tell believers that THEY will go through the trib. I liked all of this.

However, outside of this general outline, the rest of the book was really really weak. Chapman was raised with the pre-trib view and it shows. Nearly this whole book still holds to all the tenants of a pre-trib view, except the author has now moved the rapture to the end of the trib. But everything else is the same: temple must be rebuilt, etc. Chapman made statements about how the two witnesses had to come: Elijah has to come AGAIN because John the Baptist only fulfilled part of the Elijah prophecy. Essentially, Chapman didn't really give any clues as to who she thinks anyone is: no answer to the beasts, antichrist or two witnesses.

Disclaimer: I gave my honest review. I received this book from the publisher but a positive review was not required

1 comment:

  1. As I just finished this book, I glanced at other reviews, and found yours the most interesting. I also wrote a book about Revelation (www.thewayithappened.com) and my views differ considerably from Chapman's, but I found the tone of her book appropriate. Thanks for the review!
