Then Sings My Soul 3 by Robert Morgan

Having grown up in a church that sang only hymns, this book was a treasure to me! Not only did I have the beautiful words to the hymn songs but they came with the musical notes so I could play these songs on the piano! Morgan also includes a history of the songs and their authors! Not being a history buff, I was surprised to find Morgan's short 1 page histories fascinating! I couldn't put the book down. The stories behind the songs gave the songs themselves greater meaning. Knowing how difficult life was for some of the authors gave me a greater appreciation for God and I could see the authors intent in worshipping and writing the song.

I also really enjoyed the histories of hymns in general. I feel like hymns are a lost beauty - a lost form of poetry and worship that is fading away in our culture. Sadly, if more people read books like this, they might see the deeper value in hymns as opposed to current day music. Many hymns include a different theology and a deeper theology. Remember people back in the old days were way smarter theology wise and started college at 13, so many of them had a deep grasp on spiritual things. Instead of just singing Jesus songs of joy or watered down Jesus songs of today, these hymns have a true deep deep meaning. Even if you cant sing these hymns or know the tunes, I found myself reading the words to the songs as a worship to God. I didn't need to know the melody to appreciate the words. I loved this book and look forward to reading Book 1 and 2 also! I'm sad to hear this will be the last of the hymn books from this author.

Disclaimer: I gave my honest review. I received this book from the publisher but a positive review was not required

1 comment:

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