Shameful "Christian" Arguments for Infallible Bible


Prior to reading this book, I had already read Lee Strobel's poor book "Case For Christ" and "Case For Faith". As Christians with an open mind must admit, that book didn't hold water. It used very weak arguments to claim Christianity could be proven. Any solid Christian or solid Athiest or Agnostic could easily tear the book apart because it had no case. I wish his books were better. Josh McDowell also wrote many Apologetics types books and I would recommend his before Strobels. I think they have a little more solid arguments and at least make you think more.

I had hoped more from this book. I was hoping to actually find a Christian book that had strong arguments an apologetics. This book is totally not that book. It is 10 times worse than Lee Strobel's book because the author comes across with an EXTREMELY strong bias for Christianity and against all non-Christians. His bias takes him so far that he turns into a ranting raving lunatic in his own book! With claims like "Islam is false because husbands are allowed to beat wives". But he fails to address worse verses in our own Christian Bible! Read Exodus, Numbers, Lev and Deut and you will be shocked at what the Bible really says on how women and slaves are to be treated. This author's book is a complete joke. Nothing this author says holds ANY water and in many MANY cases, he doesn't give us the sources to his quotes!

Claims of this author:
Introduction Pg xi: Jesus's death is "one of the most well-established realities of ancient history" Oh really? No source or proof or even evidence given. "There is a virtual consensus among CREDIBLE scholars.... that Jesus did in fact die on a cross" No source, proof or evidence given. Who are the "credible" scholars?

Pg xiv The author berates Bart Erham for claiming "Biblical Christianity is so dangerous... it stops people from thinking" Sorry, I'm a Christian and even I see that this is true! Look at what the "Christian Churches" have done over the years in the name of God? I would like to think a real THINKING adult wouldn't go to the lengths of the Inquisition, Dark Ages, and Witch Trials. And how many times have you been told "God is mysterious. Stop asking questions. You aren't supposed to have answers for everything" In otherwords, "STOP THINKING. GOD IS MYSTERIOUS. JUST ACCEPT YOU AREN"T SUPPOSED TO KNOW" Now sure, maybe God is mysterious and we won't know everything, but Jesus does tell us to test what we are told and we are to seek to know God. Not just give up because one verse puzzles us. If we really seek, we usually get some answers.

Pg xiv The author writes "the validity of the virgin birth can be historically established." Really? Where is the proof? I thought we were to take this mainly by faith in the Bible.

I can't go on because seriously, ever other page is missing sources, making outlandish claims, and making severe personal attacks against other authors who question the Bible. What is with the personal attacks? This author goes into childish name calling over and over again as he attacks Bart Erham (another author). This author plays SOOO DIRTY. How UNCHRISTIAN. This author wrotes "the only reasonable explaination is..." But I can think of several other MORE REASONABLE explainations than his on pg 24.

Disclaimer: I gave my honest review. I received this book from the publisher but a positive review was not required.

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